Global Events To Show Off Your Underwear in 2015

Global Events To Show Off Your Underwear in 2015

Wow, it’s been almost two months of 2015 and already 2014 feels so behind. So much stuff going on is hard to catch on with the news. And with many bad (and terrible) news, sometimes you just feel like taking a break.


Global Events to Show Off Your Underwear in 2015

Rio Carnival is over. As well as many other simultaneous Carnivals worldwide. But there are other
highlights 2015 has to offer for your wanderlust. If you are both a male underwear lover and a city dweller like myself. Sometimes you might feel just stuck in chaos. Trying to leave town, if only for a few hours. Luckily, there are many places on earth where you can find peace. Without the rush and chaos of modern urban cities.

For this reason we set to put up a list of some of the
best international events happening in 2015. Where you can show off your new swim wear or men’s underwear styles.

There are defining traits of these places, including their exoticness, openness, uniqueness and convenience. But the
defining attribute of these is their “once-in-a-lifetime-ness“.

This is not your stuff for a part-time worker. But it’s also not such an unattainable goal to achieve.

If you are willing to save some money and time, you might
take advantage of what 2015 has to offer. The best international destinations to show of your male underwear and swimwear this year.


Show off your underwear in UK's Cunard's Birthday

Celebrating 175 Years of Ocean Travel: Cunard’s Birthday

Celebrating 175 years of Cunard’s first ship. British luxury cruise line, Cunard, plans to
unite its three-ship fleet. A unique celebration taking place throughout the summer of 2015.

The fleet consists of Queen Mary 2, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria. And will remain
stationed for three days in England. Liverpool will host the once-in-a-lifetime, history-making and head-turning three-day event.

Among many other
anniversary cruises throughout 2015. Queen Mary 2 will be departing from Liverpool to America. Re-creating its first transatlantic crossing 175 years ago.

You do not want to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to “see and be seen” in your best outfits. Including your favorite men’s underwear brand (wink).

Contact your travel agent or visit
Cunard’s website to book one of these trips.

Our Suggestion: Given how fast
Feel Suave line dries, it is an appropriate and wise choice. Even more considering it’s mostly a sea-level trip.


Show off your underwear in Italy, Milan Universal Expo

Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life: Milan Universal Expo

In 2015, the so-called ”
Moral Capital of Italy“, Milano, will host the
Universal Exposition. Held only once in 1906, the second edition will extend over a six month period. The expo will showcase more than 140 participating countries. As they state, it will try to offer a “concrete answer to a vital need”. Guarantee healthy, safe and enough food for everyone.

Italian culture is full of
extraordinary culinary experiences. The Universal Exposition does not seem like it will be an exception. Over 20 million visitors are coming to the expo.

The six-month span offers an excellent opportunity for everyone to
feel delighted. Including extraordinary life changing experiences. Culinary savors from all over the world. As well as meeting diverse people from every possible corner of the world. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up meeting a famous football player.

Our Suggestion: In the land of design, the
X3D line is your best bet.


Show off your underwear in Singapore Golden Jubilee

Rocking Since 1965: Singapore’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Still part of the UK until the early 1960’s. Singapore is now one of the world’s major commercial hubs. And its celebrating its
50th anniversary independence celebration this year.

While the main attraction is likely August 9 for National Day. If you happen to be around that part of the globe during Summer 2015. Rest assured you will find lots of interesting things to do and places to see.

Celebrating an outstanding achievement as a
acknowledged international player in the world arena. Singapore’s Golden Jubilee offers a unique opportunity to learn from this enriched culture. Deemed to have the best quality of life in all Asia.

For more information on the jubilee, visit the official
SG50 website.

Our suggestion:
MAX Light Pink styles sound like the right choice for the Jubilee.


Show off your underwear in Brazil World Indigenous Games

Em 2015, Somos Todos IndĂ­genas: I World Indigenous Games

Speaking about underwear, nothing could be more ad-hoc. Wear your new underwear for the opening ceremony of
the first International Indigenous Games.

Better known as a the geodesic center of Brazil. The city of Palmas will be host to the multisport event. Taking place from the 18th to the 27th of September. With over 2,000 participating indigenous athletes from 30 countries.

Running in parallel to a comprehensive
programme of discourse and celebration of culture. The
First WIG aims to bring together the diversity of a marginalized population worldwide.

Wearing limited edition undergarments seems an appropriate way to pay homage to the games.

Our Suggestion: An
Apache or Mohawk styles would be the most appropriate choice.


Show off your underwear in South Africa's AfrikaBurn

Radical Self Reliance: AfrikaBurn 2015

largest regional Burning Man event takes place in the African continent. AfrikaBurn, is also considered
Africa’s most unique, unusual, exhilarating and mind-blowing festival.

The festival has gained so much notoriety they have even added an 11th principle.

Burning Man’s new principle. ”
Encourages the individual to discover, exercise and rely on his or her inner resources“.

There isn’t a more appropriate phrase to
summarize our beliefs and attitudes towards self-reliance.

To learn more about the event or to take part. Visit the official
AfrikaBurn website.

Our suggestion: There is no better companion when in survival-mode than the
MAX Mesh Mini Boxer.

And A Few More International Destination Lists

And here’s a few other suggestions. In case you feel we skipped some major events.

This list is
not comprehensive enough, nor is it trying to be. It is an attempt to cover the main geographical regions worldwide. As an international retailer, we felt it was our duty to take a broad perspective. Maybe you’ll find them relevant and of your interest.

Even tho some of these events may not get much attention from mainstream media. You do not want to miss these ”
once in a lifetime” global celebrations of 2015.

But why are we doing this?

You may ask “why is an underwear company doing this?”… Well, for several reasons.

Part of the brand’s appeal comes from males with
sophisticated tastes. Such as an exotic and international mindset. Some of you travel abroad on a regular basis. Either because its part of your job. Or because its just part of your lifestyle. While some of you may happen to be at these locations in 2015.

In either case, we thought you may appreciate the effort in building this list. Curated with special consideration to the
geographical coverage, uniqueness and openness these locations offer.

That said, this may not be the
only list of this type we create. We love to listen to our customers, and we want to hear your opinion. If enough people like it, we may do several of these lists. If people don’t, well… we’ll keep trying. 🙂

But enough about us. We would like to hear you. Is there any other destination/experience that you consider
relevant? would you add anything to this list? Please write to: saul (at) ergowear (dot) com

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