I don’t speak English, please help!
No problem, our agents speak Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Italian!
- No hay problema, ¡también hablamos Español! Y en Chrome puedes usar la herramienta Google Translate en la barra superior de cada pantalla. Sabemos que la traducción no es perfecta, pero al menos ayuda en los pasos del proceso de compra.
- Não tem problema, também falamos Português! No Chrome também é possível usar a ferramenta Google Translate na barra superior de cada tela. Sabemos que a tradução não é perfeita, mas pode ajudar no processo de compra.
- Kein problem, wir sprechen auch Deutsch! Und Sie können mit Chrome die Google Translate-Funktion oben auf jeder Seite aktivieren. Wir wissen, dass die automatische Übersetzung bei weitem nicht perfekt ist, aber sie kann während des Bestellvorgangs sehr hilfreich sein.
- Nessun problema, parliamo anche Italiano! Se utilizzi Chrome puoi anche abilitare Google Translate su ogni pagina. Sappiamo che la traduzione non è perfetta, ma può essere di grande aiuto nell'acquisto.
Rev: Feb 2022
Do you ever fail to succeed?
We really, really try our best to meet world-class service standards. But since we run international retail operations with several parties involved, sometimes shipping to some locations or keeping perfect track of inventory can be tricky. Even if sometimes this means that we must pay some extra money. Yet, we have been manufacturing and shipping underwear for over two decades, so you can be sure we have a lot of experience and will make everything possible to keep you satisfied. It’s all for your satisfaction.
Do I really need ergonomic underwear?
If you ask yourself this question, you probably should also ask yourself, do you need underwear at all? Because we are quite sure your answer is a resounding yes, we are also sure everyone should use ergonomic underwear. If you’ve ever felt intimate discomfort during long meetings or drives, pinching or itchiness during walks, some public embarrassment, or even pain from pressure in the scrotum, you should start using ergonomic underwear today. Our pouch underwear and swimwear styles provide the best fit, style, and comfort that you will ever require for male underwear.