Frequently Asked Questions

When your payment has been received and accepted, you will:

  • Be redirected to a page containing your order number and confirmation that it has been placed properly.
  • Receive an email notification from Ergowear confirming your transaction details, processing status, and estimated availability and delivery times.

If you have not received either or both of these notifications, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Rev: Feb 2025

We normally ship within 2-7 days of having received payment confirmation. Why? Two days is the minimum because customers often contact us the day after placing an order with change requests. And sometimes, when inventories are low, the same item may be ordered simultaneously by different customers. Because we are the manufacturers, the extra couple of days gives us the time needed to replenish the stock of products.

We will normally ship the order within 1 business day, but it may sometimes take longer, depending on our payment processors’ anti-fraud policies and product availability. When one product of the order has a later shipping date, the other items will also be shipped later. Similarly, if the order includes a pre-order item, by default, the whole order will be shipped when the pre-order item becomes available.

If we cannot ship within 7 business days, you will receive an automatic status update that your order is delayed and an estimated shipping date. If this happens, please feel free to contact us if you would like to cancel the delayed item or the whole order. An estimate of the transit time to your location is given next to the shipping method during checkout and on subsequent documents. This time does not include possible delays during customs clearance at the destination (if applicable).

As of February 24th 2025 standard shipping is once again FREE for orders over US$99.00 worldwide; smaller orders are shipped for US$9.90.

Rev: Feb 2025

No problem, our agents speak Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Italian!

  • No hay problema, ¡también hablamos Español! Y en Chrome puedes usar la herramienta Google Translate en la barra superior de cada pantalla. Sabemos que la traducción no es perfecta, pero al menos ayuda en los pasos del proceso de compra.
  • Não tem problema, também falamos Português! No Chrome também é possível usar a ferramenta Google Translate na barra superior de cada tela. Sabemos que a tradução não é perfeita, mas pode ajudar no processo de compra.
  • Kein problem, wir sprechen auch Deutsch! Und Sie können mit Chrome die Google Translate-Funktion oben auf jeder Seite aktivieren. Wir wissen, dass die automatische Übersetzung bei weitem nicht perfekt ist, aber sie kann während des Bestellvorgangs sehr hilfreich sein.
  • Nessun problema, parliamo anche Italiano! Se utilizzi Chrome puoi anche abilitare Google Translate su ogni pagina. Sappiamo che la traduzione non è perfetta, ma può essere di grande aiuto nell'acquisto.

Rev: Feb 2022

Yes, you can. If you happen to notice the wrong sizes or products in your order within a reasonable time, we will gladly process your exchange. Before you do anything else please contact customer service and explain your situation.

Rev: Feb 2025

If you were notified of payment acceptance but did not receive an order confirmation email from us, please check your junk mail or spam folder first to verify that our domain email is not being blocked by spam filtering. However, if this is the case, please adjust your default spam configuration settings by manually adding ergowear.com to your list of "trusted senders" you allow and wish to receive e-mails from. There is a known issue with all @icloud and @mac email accounts, where our domain seems to have been blacklisted years ago for a reason we don't know; certainly not spam, which we hate as much as you do!

If you are still experiencing issues upon updating/saving your new spam settings, please contact us to initiate an alternative means of delivery.

Rev: Feb 2025

Please check the online tracking information displayed in the completed orders section of your Ergowear account, or the status update email you received when the order was shipped. If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Rev: Jun 2024

The main reason for customer’s not receiving their order is because of some issues with the courier. If you haven’t received your package, but we have delivery confirmation from the courier, we will contact them and ask about your shipment with the tracking and or parcel number. Please contact us with the details

Rev: Feb 2025

Suppose the shipping of your package has been delayed for any reason. You can use any contact means to let us know. We normally respond within regular working hours in EST. If this is the case, please always send us your order number for a faster response. Also, once a ticket has been raised, we will contact you until we have received confirmation that the item has been received.